Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Alumni Weekend Success!

I could ramble about how amazing the University of the Ozarks Alumni weekend was, but we know that photos speak louder than a thousand rambles ;)

Thursday, March 12, 2015


We set up a meeting with Ashley in class today and we had a little camera fun :)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Ashley Senter's Visit to Class

On March 3rd, Ashley Senter visited our Event Planning class and spoke to us regarding our event, The Soccer Tailgate Picnic/Carnival. Below is a list of what we learned from this meeting.

  • The event will begin at noon on Saturday, April 18th
  • Need to create the postcards for judges to use to judge booths
  • Need to help ensure that everyone is registered for the game and that they sign the waiver
  • Need to work with Emma to get organizations involved
  • Organizations can fundraise at this event
  • Will need to help set up and such
  • Come up with different, unusual, and fun ideas for the event 
  • Will be an inflatable there
  • Try to get as many booths there as possible
  • Advertise, advertise, advertise

Ashley Senter in the Event Planning Class

Thursday, February 12, 2015

What's the plan?

Goals and objectives: to bring the alumni,students, and community closer together

April 18th at 11:00 a.m. next to the soccer field

Promotion and marketing: making a banner, flyers, a Facebook event, email students and faculty, and coordinate ideas with the alumni office

Participants: students, faculty, alumni, and the clarksville community

Agenda for participants: 10-12 men's soccer game, lunch 11-1, women's soccer game 1-3, and carnival fun 10-3

Agenda for planners: 8-10 setup, 10-3 run the event, and 3-5 take down event

Event Statement

This is our statement of goals for our upcoming event: ALUMNI SOCCER GAME TAILGATE!!

            Main Goal
·        Supporting Alumni Weekend and the Alumni Soccer game while providing visitors a fun atmosphere
·        Promoting participation in alumni weekend
·        Innovation with annual events
·        Integrate campus and alumni into one event
Serving Multiple Functions
·        Barbecue /Food
·        Entertainment/fun
·        Bringing the community together
·        Promoting the spirit of Ozarks
Who Should Come?
·        Who we want- Alumni, Students, families of alumni and students, faculty, staff
·        Who will want to come- Student, alumni, families of athletes and alumni
·        Researching participants by contact through the alumni and advancement offices.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Big shout-out to all our volunteers!

The following is a list of the awesome people who signed-up to help with the Soccer Tailgate Almuni event:

  • Andrea Chamorro 
  • Jose O'Connor 
  • Liliam Lopez
  • Jenny Castrejon
  • Daniel Valencia
  • Karla Margie Guerra
  • Chloe Welsh
  • Ty Volz 

Thanks in advance!

Alumni Weekend Tailgate Party

Look for the Dream Team at the Alumni Weekend Tailgate party on April 18th! Stay tuned for more details.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Congratulations, guys!

Hey everyone!

Thanks for including me in your blog!  I hope this turns out to be a useful tool for you in documenting your event.

Along our journey, please let me know how I can help you!

It's going to be a great one!!!

Mrs. L